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Visionaries & Founders
Bishop David Aaron Lazarus is the presiding Bishop of Siloam Word of Truth, the Kingdom Builders Network (KBN) and a Diocesan Bishop of the United Covenant Churches of Christ (UCCC). The journey of Bishop Lazarus and Siloam Word of Truth is a ministry story that spans over forty years. A journey that has been joyfully shared with his wife, Neela Lazarus. His first steps in ministry began under the leadership of his parents, Aaron & Faith Lazarus – pioneers of ministry advancement in their own right.
Siloam Word of Truth is headquartered in Gauteng, South Africa, with a strong visible ministry presence on the African continent, surrounding islands and the Indian subcontinent. Bishop Lazarus has developed the movements under his spiritual care to be international models of influence. The enduring legacy of the movements under his wisdom-filled leadership are standards of excellence in ministry, glorifying the name of Christ.
Bishop Lazarus is a devout student of the Word of God, having pursued studies through various institutions. In 2002 he was awarded a Doctor of Divinity (hc) from Seoul Theological Seminary in South Korea. In 2007; Dr Lazarus was elevated to the office of Bishop, in the Lord’s Church, under the examination of then presiding prelate, Bishop Larry D Trotter of the United Covenant Churches of Christ International.
Bishop Lazarus is affectionately known for his unmatched ability to father the flock of God and is a catalyst in guiding people to excel in their divine destiny. This he achieves by his profound preaching, teaching and modelling the example of Christ to many. In more than 40 years of ministry he has equipped and mentored both young and old from diverse paths of life. He is an ardent believer that any dream can be achieved, when one’s confidence is placed in God.
Siloam Word of Truth, one church in many locations in South Africa, portrays the picture of healing an integrated land, as it serves people from multi-faceted cultures within the Nation. Bishop Lazarus is a minister’s minister, a preacher, a teacher, a singer and an author. He preaches on the principles of Kingdom Dynamics, raising spiritual sons and daughters, leadership and debt free living. He is a well sought-after conference speaker and considered a Covenant Brother to church leaders over the continents of Europe, Asia, America and Africa. His book entitled All Because of Jesus, shares with readers the Bishop’s personal testimony of what God can do when one stays true to the call and vision of God.
His first book, entitled All Because of Jesus, aptly describes his life’s journey: “A Faithful man serving a Faithful God.

Lead Pastors Adrian & Genine Jacobs
Pastors Adrian and Genine Jacobs are the Lead Pastors of the vibrant, thriving, and growing campus of Siloam Word of Truth Brakpan, and they were ordained as Overseers of the United Covenant Churches of Christ International in South Africa. They are seasoned leaders having led at various levels of church life as well as in their corporate careers.
In 2023, the Visionaries and Founders of Siloam Word of Truth, Bishop DA and First Lady Neela Lazarus who Pastored, grew, and faithfully led the Brakpan Campus for close to 20 years officially installed and ordained Pastors Adrian and Genine to Lead Pastors at the Campus. It was an auspicious and joyous occasion for the Brakpan Campus.
Pastors Adrian and Genine are a dynamic couple and have been married for 19 years this year, building their ministry assignment on educating, empowering and elevating God’s people and His Kingdom. They coach, mentor, and advise people from all walks of life, congregants, pastors, ministerial leaders, civic and corporate leaders sharing from a deep well of wisdom and experience to move them from success to significance.
Pastor Adrian, a prophetic preacher and insightful teacher of the Word of God has been in fulltime ministry for 22 years and is an ardent student. He holds the following degrees, a Bachelor of Theology degree from Nazarene Theological College, a Master of Arts degree, majoring in Old Testament Studies from the University of Johannesburg and a Master of Business Administration from Henley Business School and Reading University in the United Kingdom. Our Pastor is now pursuing a PhD in the field of Doctor of Business Leadership from the Davinci Business and Technology Institute.
Pastor Adrian leads a vibrant Ministerial Staff of fulltime employees, leaders, workers, and volunteers. Focusing strongly on strategy, leadership, management, church administration, vision, values, and culture, he has had the privilege of helping other ministries across South Africa, the African continent and internationally to elevate to a place of ministerial excellence.
Pastor Genine is an accomplished and distinguished corporate leader having served with great distinction as an Executive Head of People and Culture in Personal and Business Banking South Africa for the past years 8 as part of a 20-year career within Standard Bank. Strategically she leads a professional People and Culture team of 62 people with management oversight of 15000 employees within the division. Genine serves on 4 Executive Committees in Standard Bank.
Pastor Genine holds a BA degree in Psychology as well as BA (Honours) in Industrial Psychology from the former Rand Afrikaans University now the University of Johannesburg and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from MANCOSA. She has also completed many professional qualifications within Standard Bank, such as the Executive Coaching qualification with GIBS and the Digital Savvy Board Programme qualification from Sloan School of Management at MIT in the USA
Adrian and Genine believes strongly in family and parent two young daughters, Joelle, their eldest and Gianna, their youngest. Together, as a family they love travelling locally and internationally, spending quality time building up love, unity, respect, and the bonds of joy.